
[kitb萌早餐] 如何興建厚厚三明治


1/ 貓咪造型超級三明治

2/ 菇菇芝士蕃茄蛋三明治

3/ 太陽蛋貝果三明治
4/ 法式吐司三明治

5/ 奄列三明治

6/ 厚吐司造型三明治

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[kitb萌早餐] 綠色鬆餅全集


1/ 啤梨鬆餅

2/ 迷你雙色鬆餅串
3/ 鬆餅小樹

4/ 草莓優格鬆餅卷

5/ 成雙成對毛毛蟲鬆餅拼盤

6/ 小青蛙造型鬆餅
 7/ 三眼仔大眼仔造型鬆餅


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[kitb萌早餐] 夾三明治以外 6個牛油果創意食法


1/ 牛油果煎蛋

2/ 牛油果醬班尼迪蛋

3/ 牛油果醬拌通心粉 (食譜)

牛油果除了用叉子壓成醬,有時我也會用刀將它切得很碎很碎,並在砧板上直接調味 (檸檬汁、橄欖油、黑胡椒之類),不用多洗一隻碗之餘,質感也比較豐富呢。

4/ 牛油果菠蘿芝士烤吐司

5/ 牛油果藜麥米紙卷 (食譜)

6/ 無蛋朱古力牛油果蛋糕 (食譜)

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[台北早餐] Wake up at 5am to start your breakfast adventure in Taipei

"There are breakfast restaurants everywhere and everything is yummy!" 

That's my first impression of Taipei after I visited the city for the first time many years ago. I can still remember the joy of having egg pancake, sesame flat bread and soymilk every morning. For breakfast lovers like me, this city is heaven and you wish you can have breakfast all day long.

Here are some spots for you to try out the best Taiwanese breakfast, 3 traditional and 3 with a little bit of modern twist. 

Fu Hang (阜杭豆漿)
2/F, 108 Zhongxiao E Road, Taipei
05:30 ~ 12:30 (close on Monday)

People start queuing up at 5am for the infamous sesame flat bread. Their bread are freshly baked in an open kitchen, you can see how chefs putting raw doughs into the hot metal barrel and enjoy the wonderful smell in the air.

It actually called "thick bread"(厚燒餅) in Chinese, can come with egg sheet or deep fried chinese donut (I suggest both). The big roll give you different texture in layers, the bread crust and chinese dount are crispy, in between are soft or chewy. The taste is also a mixture of saltiness and sweetness, it's a full experience for every big bite. No wonder people would wait for over an hour just for this.

Chen Gen (陳根找茶)
No.7, Lane 391, Zhuangjing Road, Taipei
06:00 ~ 12:30 (everyday)

Egg pancake is one of my favorite Taiwanese breakfast, the melting cheesy center is a must. This thin pancake is fried to golden yellow on a hot metal plate, and then roll with egg sheet and cheese. You can also have filling like ham, bacon or flossy pork if you want. It's cut into mouthful pieces when served, every bite is crispy and cheesy. I usually can't resist to encore when I have my pancake here.

Lau's Mom (劉媽媽飯糰)
No. 88, Section 2, Hangzhou S Road, Taipei
05:30 ~ 11:00

Rice Ball is another common breakfast in Taiwan, usually wash down with soymilk or ricemilk. It's filled with goodness of deep fried chinese donut, spiced egg, pickled vegetable, flossy pork, and fillings of your choice. All wrap in a big bowl of hot sticky rice. At Lau's, you can also choose purple rice to white rice, and a vegetarian version for better health.

LoCo Food (樂口福)
No. 5-4, Lane 89, Section 3, Nanjing E Road, Taipei 
06:00 ~ 14:00

I've told you egg pancake need to be crispy and cheesy, and LoCo Food surely got the whole package. On top of that, they created some interesting filling like hush brown (my favorite), barbecue pork and sausage. Everything served in a cute cast iron pan.

mini bean
No. 16, Alley 4, Lane 251, Section 3, Zhongxiao E Road, Taipei
08:00 ~ 20:00 (close on Tuesday)

The best drink to wash down your breakfast in Taiwan is always soymilk. Getting bored with the normal one, you can expand your choice here. Mini bean use local grown organic yellow/black beans and vegetable to prepare their soymilk (also soybread and soybiscuit). The fresh vegetable not only gives sweet taste to the milk but also beautiful colours. A purple yam or pink beetroot soymilk packed with nutrients give you both health and happiness.
Full House (豐盛號)
No. 4, Lane 223, Zhongzheng Road, Taipei
07:00 ~ 11:30

Packed sandwich can be found everywhere in Taipei, but if you want to sit down and have a nice breakfast sandwich, Full House is a place to go. They are famous for using charcoal fire to toast their bread. In between is hearty ingredients like mashed potato, roasted porks and egg sheet. Apart from the sandwich, their milktea is also a MUST try. Be sure to come early in the money, their food sold out real fast.  

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[kitb萌早餐] 桃子黑芝麻法式吐司

吃一下薄麵包不能做的菜式 好好玩

厚切吐司白麵包 1片
雞蛋 1隻
豆奶 2湯匙
肉桂粉 少許
黑芝麻醬 適量
美國黃肉桃 1個
1/ 厚切吐司麵包中間切開塗上黑芝麻醬
2/ 將雞蛋+奶+肉桂粉在淺盤子中打勻
3/ 將麵包浸進步驟2的蛋液中,兩面浸透
4/ 平底鍋放少許牛油,將麵包煎成兩面金黃包
5/ 麵包切半份,上面鋪上切片桃子,淋上蜂蜜即可


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